We make promises to others we wouldn't think of breaking: our spouses, friends, our business partners our coworkers. Yet, we have no problems breaking the promises we make to ourselves. "I won't waste time on useless sites", "I'll stop procrastinating", "I'll do better", "I won't lose my temper", "I won't drink anymore", the list goes on and on. We let ourselves break those promises, even the same ones over and over. How much longer will we let this go on? We wouldn't tolerate this behavior from others, yet we do it to ourselves. "Self-esteem is just the reputation that you have with yourself. You'll always know." - Naval Ravikant. No one else may not know but you always will. How many more promises are you going to keep breaking to yourself? Is this how you would treat your family and friends? Maybe this is the reason why you have doubts. You've encountered your own example of the many t...
I really love this painting by John Everett Millais. If you were to just look at this painting without the title, you would infer a different meaning. When you realize the name of the painting, "The Blind Girl" then you get a how other sense of what the artist was trying to represent. I love the fact that the title and the painting together draws you into the world of the painting. They style, colors and details are nothing special in of themselves, but when put together with the title of the painting it creates a whole story. It reminds me of "Christina's World" by Wyeth. I like how the painting and the title draws the viewer to experience the painting.